Monday, April 25, 2016

Benefits when you are arguing with agents or managers

We are decided to move from one bedroom to two bedroom apartment, the all process was very simple I can say but not simple with moving hot spot/connection of  internet to other apartment.

So here is the story, we still living in the same address and of course the apartment where we're moved in the same address as well. When we called to customer service two weeks ahead before we moved and update them about reroute of the internet to new apartment, of course they said no problem and when you'll move call to customer service and within two hours you will be reroute.

That what we did and in the end of the day we were still without internet. We waited till next day and call to costumer service, the "romance" with them, which mean I was like ping pong and till I got a right agent then he inform me that reroute cannot made from the office but physically should be by the technician. The agent say that I have to pay almost sixty dollars for technician support, then I start with negotiation and of course give them the facts although  I update them two weeks ahead and your agent promise me that the process will be fast and I still in phone almost one hour try to convince that I shouldn't pay. After long discussion I request manager after been on hold quarter hour manager answer and within couple minutes manager allowance the payment and i never had to pay for technician involvement.

In the next day technician appears and about twenty minutes internet star working.

For summering it very healthy to negotiate/argue with agents or managers it can be very profit for you.